laptop on desk next to coffee


  • laptop with charger

    Troubleshooting a Laptop that Won’t Charge

    Troubleshooting a laptop computer that will not charge or power on includes several steps that can be performed at home before seeking help.

  • username and password

    Protect Your Computer For Free in 2023

    There are several things you can do to improve security on your computer and some of the best antivirus software is free.

  • Abstract version of Windows 10 interface

    Don’t forget the Operating System when Building your New Computer

    If you’re planning to build a new computer, don’t forget to purchase a Windows license because it is an important part of any new computer.

  • AsgardAlaska_website.png

    Asgard Alaska launches new website

    We are proud to have launched a new website for Asgard Alaska, a nonprofit that aims to create a Viking-themed open-air museum and campground.

  • cyber attack tips

    How to Avoid Social Engineering

    Social engineering attacks are a type of security threat used to gain unauthorized access to systems or to obtain financial benefits.

  • Search Engine Optimization

    Intro to Search Engine Optimization

    SEO is computer-speak for making your website look good to search engines and the goal of is higher placement in search results.

  • computer networking cables

    IPv6 Setup on Synology Router with TunnelBroker

    I made this guide to show everyone how to get IPv6 working on a Synology router using a free Hurricane Electric account.

  • windows 7 end of support warning

    Life After Windows 7

    Microsoft no longer releases updates to Windows 7 and will not patch security vulnerabilities that are discovered from this point forward. 

  • cryptomator encrypt dropbox

    How to Encrypt Dropbox

    It is possible to encrypt Dropbox so you can enjoy the benefits and convenience of cloud storage while maintaining security and privacy.

  • username and password

    Passwords and Data Encryption

    There are many different ways to secure data on computers, but not all of them offer the protection you think they do.

  • Affordable Tech Support You Can Trust!

    Speed up Your Computer with a Solid State Drive

    Solid state hard drives (SSDs) are a newer type of hard drive which use flash memory instead of a spinning platter to store information.

  • windows reinstall 400x267

    How to Freshen Up Windows 10

    For those of you who are searching for help because your Windows 10 installation isn’t running as quickly and cleanly as it was when you first installed it, I have…

  • low disk space warning

    Disable Low Disk Space Warnings

    With this little trick you can easily disable low disk space warnings and continue to use your hard space as you want to.

  • angry computer user

    Why PayPal is Bad for Sellers

    If Paypal were a Seller on eBay their feedback profile would be a whopping 3.7% positive feedback and their account would be suspended.

  • control userpasswords2

    How to set Windows to Auto-login

    I sometimes get irritated when I install Windows on a new computer and have to deal with the login menu each time I turn on the computer.  Many computer users…

  • Bitcoin and Ethereum

    Exciting Times in Cryptocurrency

    Cryptocurrency has the potential to improve the speed and efficiency of financial transactions around the world.